

The CCF Advanced Disciplines Lectures
CCF ADL 第97期
2018年11月16-18日 武汉




学术主任:金海 华中科技大学




15:00-17:00 报到



8:00-8:15   开班仪式

8:15-10:15   学术专题讲座1



10:30-12:30   学术专题讲座2

题目:Towards Big Graph Processing: Applications, Challenges, and Advances

讲者:Xuemin Lin,The University of New South Wales

12:30-13:30   午餐

13:30-15:30  学术专题讲座3

题目:Graph Computing Technique for AI and Big Data Applications

讲者:Yeh-Ching Chung,香港中文大学深圳分校

16:00-18:00   学术专题讲座4




8:00-10:00   学术专题讲座5

题目:Parallel Graph Processing on GPUs

讲者:Bingsheng He,National University of Singapore

10:15-12:15   学术专题讲座6



12:15-13:00   午餐

13:30-15:30   学术专题讲座7


讲者:钱正平, 阿里公司

15:45-17:30   学术讨论,合影,结业式












Xuemin Lin

The University of New South Wales

Bio:Xuemin Lin is a UNSW Scientia Professor , the head of database group in the school of computer science and engineering at UNSW, and a current Professor at ECNU (specially appointed by the Chinese National Thousands Distinguished Professors Program). He is a fellow of IEEE. Xuemin's research interests lie in databases, data mining, algorithms, and complexities. Specifically, he is working in the areas of scalable processing and mining of various data, including graph, spatial-temporal, streaming, text and uncertain data.Xuemin has been very frequently serving as a PC member and area chairs (senior PC members) in SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, ICDM, KDD, CIKM, and EDBT. He received the honour of outstanding reviewer in KDD2012. He was an associate editor of ACM TODS (2008-2014) and IEEE TKDE (Feb 2013- Jan 2015), and an associate editor-in-Chief of TKDE (2015-2016), respectively. Currently, he is the editor-in-Chief of TKDE (Jan 2017 - now) and an associate editor of WWW Journal (2013 - now).

讲座题目:Towards Big Graph Processing: Applications, Challenges, and Advances

摘要:Graph data are key parts of Big Data and widely used for modelling complex structured data with a broad spectrum of applications. Over the last decade, tremendous research efforts have been devoted to many fundamental problems in managing and analyzing graph data. In this talk, I will cover various applications, challenges, and recent advances covering graph matching, cohesive sub-graphs, similarities, and many other graph problems.


Yeh-Ching Chung


Bio:Yeh-Ching Chung received a B.S. degree in Computer Science from Chung Yuan Christian University in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer and Information Science from Syracuse University in 1988 and 1992, respectively. From 1992 to 2002, he was with the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at Feng Chia University, where he was an associate professor in 1992 and a full professor in 1999. From 1993 to 1997, he served as the director of Computer Network Division of Computer Center. From 1998 to 2001, he was the chairman of the department. From 2002 to 2016, he was with the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University as a full professor. From 2003 to 2012, he served as the deputy director of Library, where he established the first UHF RFID library system in Taiwan. In 2007, he founded Taiwan Association of Grid Computing (TAGC) that was renamed to Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing (TACC) in 2010. He was the direct general of TAGC/TACC from 2007 to 2011. He has supervised two National Tsing Hua University teams to win the champion of Student Cluster Competition, sponsored by IEEE/ACM SC conference, in 2010 and 2011. He has served as General Chairs, Program Chairs, Keynote Speakers, and Technical Committee Members of many international conferences. He was an awardee of Thousand Talents Plan of China in 2015. In 2016, he joined the Laboratory of Cloud Computing and Disaster Recovery Technology at Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen as a deputy director. He is now a professor in School of Science and Engineering of Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen. His research interests include parallel and distributed processing, cloud computing, big data, and embedded systems. He has published over 200 journal and conference papers and developed many systems in these areas.

讲座题目:Graph Computing Technique for AI and Big Data Applications

摘要:In this talk, we will show how to apply the graph computing technique to two applications, association rule mining and large-scale software system optimization. In association rule mining, the apriori method is the most commonly used approach to find the maximum frequent k-itemset. When the value of k is large, the apriori method is time consuming and it may not be able to get the result sometimes. We have proposed a hybrid method, ANG, by combining the graph computing and apriori methods for the maximum frequent k-itemset calculation. In ANG, when the value of k is small, the apriori method is used to calculate the maximum frequent k-itemset. When k is over a threshold, the graph computing method is used to calculate the maximum frequent k-itemset. The experimental results show that ANG outperforms the apriori method for all test cases.

For the large-scale software system optimization, the main goal is to build up a program execution behavior monitoring and analyzing system. The system is an HPC system that integrates Cloud Computing, Distributed Storage, In-Memory Computing, Graph Computing, Compiler, Profiling Tools, and Data Mining techniques. When a large-scale software system is running, with the profiling tools, the execution behaviors of the software system can be recorded in real-time. With the real-time execution behavior records, different big data analytical methods can be used to optimize different desired parameters statically or dynamically. We have applied this system to optimized an LLVM compiler. The experimental results show that the proposed system has 5-10% performance improvement for the LLVM compiler.






摘要:图由于其表达的灵活性,目前被越来越多的应用选作描述实体之间复杂关系的重要数据结构;因此海量图数据上的高效计算问题成为这些应用中亟待解决的关键技术挑战。围绕面向大规模图数据的通用图计算系统,我们认为有两个方面的主要技术问题:其一,优化图数据的表示方法:传统的邻接矩阵和邻接表在例如高速变化的图流系统中其空间代价和搜索计算代价都不能满足图流计算的需要;因此我们提出了一种图流系统上的概率数据结构Graph Stream Sketch(GSS),既具有更好的时空性能,同时具有非常高的理论和实践的图计算准确度(边、点和可达性查询准确度大于99%)。其二,优化图计算中的基础算子:我们试图去寻找图计算中的一些常用的基础算子,通过优化这些算子从而提高整体图计算系统的性能。我们在前期工作中发现“集合交集计算”普遍存在于图计算任务中并且占据了较大的计算代价,包括极大团发现,图上的三角形计数,子图匹配,社区发现等。为此,我们提出在图计算的环境下,提出基于SIMD指令的算法加速这些图计算中的集合求交操作。实验表明我们可以在现有方法(包括不基于SIMD和基于SIMD的图计算系统)的基础上提高3-10倍的图计算性能。


Bingsheng He

National University of Singapore

Bio:Dr. Bingsheng He is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore. Before that, he was a faculty member in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2010-2016), and held a research position in the System Research group of Microsoft Research Asia (2008-2010), where his major research was building high performance cloud computing systems for Microsoft. He got the Bachelor degree in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1999-2003), and the Ph.D. degree in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2003-2008). His current research interests include cloud computing, database systems and high performance computing. His papers are published in prestigious international journals (such as ACM TODS and IEEE TKDE/TPDS/TC) and proceedings (such as ACM SIGMOD, VLDB/PVLDB, ACM/IEEE SuperComputing, ACM HPDC, and ACM SoCC). He has been awarded with the IBM Ph.D. fellowship (2007-2008) and with NVIDIA Academic Partnership (2010-2011). Since 2010, he has (co-)chaired a number of international conferences and workshops, including IEEE CloudCom 2014/2015 and BigData Congress 2018. He has served in editor board of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS) and Springer Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD).

讲座题目:Parallel Graph Processing on GPUs

摘要:Graphs are de facto data structures for many data processing applications. Many graph processing tasks are computation intensive and/or memory intensive. Therefore, we have witnessed a significant amount of effort in accelerating graph processing tasks with GPUs to take advantage of their massive parallelism and high memory bandwidth. In this talk, we will first review the literatures of parallel graph processing systems on GPUs. Next, we present our research efforts, and demonstrate the significant performance impact of hardware-conscious designs in parallel graph processing systems. Finally, we outline the research agenda of an on-going project named MetalDB towards an “One Size Fits All” design across heterogeneous hardware. More details about our research can be found at




Bio:李超,上海交通大学Tenure-Track特别研究员,博士生导师,主要从事面向新应用新需求的计算机体系结构设计研究。在包括TC、TPDS、CSUR、ISCA、HPCA、MICRO等高水平学报和会议上发文40余篇,获得2011年顶级会议HPCA的最佳论文奖和2015年SCI期刊IEEE CAL的最佳论文奖。近五年申请中美专利十余项,已授权5项,相关成果获得Facebook Fellowship,Yahoo! 重点科技挑战奖,国家优秀自费留学生奖。2016年入选CCF Intel青年学者提升计划,2017年入选CCF青年人才发展计划,2018年在MSRA参与“铸星计划”访问研究。CCF体系结构专委会常委,高性能计算专委会委员,CCF YOCSEF上海副主席,2018年担任第十二届中国计算机体系结构学术年会ACA的程序委员会主席。本科毕业于浙江大学,博士毕业于佛罗里达大学。










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